Swayam Sahoo

What is Scopul?

Scopul is a python package to extract data from midi files. It can extract things such as note duration, velocity, tempo and time signature. It also has additional features such as converting a midi into a pdf or MusicXML file. For information about how to use it, check the table of contents below:

Why was Scopul made?

The aim of Scopul was to be a personal educational project that delved into the concepts of Object-Oriented Programming, packaging, documentation, and docstrings. Furthermore, it aimed to provide a simple solution for MIDI file extraction, as I discovered that many available libraries were either complicated or offered a wide range of functionality not specifically related to MIDI files, making it challenging to understand and utilize if you only required a basic MIDI analyzer.

Scopul was built using the Music21 library, which provides much more extensive functionality. If Scopul fails to fulfill your requirements, I strongly suggest checking out Music21.

Help me improve!

I most likely won’t develop this any longer, but if you encounter any bugs, kindly send me an email at swayamsa01@gmail.com. If you have any suggestions or would like to contribute to the improvement of the code, including efficiency and best practices, feel free to reach out to me via email or create a pull request.

Thank you very much!